Community News And Updates

Community Update: Architectural Review Committee

Can we all please give a very large round of applause and appreciation to some outgoing Architectural Review Committee members, Jean, Cheryle, and Parna! 

Cheryle was a board member for many years and continued on the Arch Committee after she left the board.  Jean has been a board member for many years and was on the Arch Committee the whole time as well.  Parna has been on the Arch committee alongside Jean and Cheryle, as well as a current board member now for a few years too! If you made improvements to your home that required an Arch App approval, you owe these three a huge thanks!!  They are the reason our approval process was fast, smooth, and consistent all these years. 

That said, over the next year all of these amazing women are stepping back from their community responsibilities as they prepare for their next steps, that means we need some new volunteers to step up and help keep the community operating.  The Architectural Committee is not a large commitment, you (along with other 2 committee members) would review all applications to make sure they meet our standards for style, materials, and licensed contractors.  If it fits the criteria, we approve. If not, we send back for more info or deny.  In terms of volume, we average about 1 per month, sometimes more sometimes less. It’s that simple. It’s a great way to start participating a little more in the community and see if you might be interested in more responsibility in the future.

There will of course be training, info, and transition provided to make it as easy as possible.

Reach out to PM Maggie with interest or come to the next Board Meeting!